Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Viral Bug Had Hit Me

It has been more than 10 years since I last vomited.

It was really strange vomiting yesterday. The day started off really nicely. I woke up from bed feeling absolutely normal and hungry, as usual. I went on to have my usual cereal breakfast and drove to work. Halfway through my journey, my stomach didnt really feel right. But I thought maybe it was wind.

Anyway, I proceeded to do my daily ward rounds....and about an hour and a half later, I just felt queasy. I could feel a lump building up in my throat. I am sure you know the feeling just before vomiting...you get that sour taste at the back of the throat...that was how I felt yesterday. At that time, I managed to stop myself from vomiting....unfortunately, 15 minutes later, the same sour taste started again....(mind you, about 30 minutes before this, I was reviewing a patient's chronic leg ulcers, and I could bear the minging smell of the ulcers. However, I think because I was not feeling 100%, it kind of exacerbated my nausea).

Quickly, I headed to the toilet...and almost immediately, I vomited quite a huge amount of liquid and my breakfast! yuck! It was not a pleasant feeling. My throat felt sore after all the retching.

I felt so relieved after vomiting, although the nausea and abdominal discomfort persisted. I proceeded to join the ward round after that... I did not want to make a huge fuss about it. Moreover, the hospital was short of staff, and I am not too sick to take leave.

I was not too bad all day. During my journey back from work, I started to feel really nauseated again. I was like *Oh Shite! I was in the middle of a busy motorway...I could not find a place to stop my car properly, and I was going to vomit any minute. It was awful! I did not want to vomit all over my clothes or in my car....so I decided to empty my tissue box and use it to contain my vomit. Fast thinking, eh? :P

Anyway, I managed to park along the hard shoulder on the highway. I opened my car door...and started to retch. But nothing came out. About 5 minutes of rest and with the help of some fresh air, I felt better and continued my journey home.

I slept early and woke up intermittently overnight. I felt slightly better this morning, but had body ache all over. I did not vomit today...but I still do not feel back to my normal self. I looked pale and drained....silly viral bug! I had some dinner...but felt sick after it. Oh well, I just hope that I'll be fine by this weekend! :)

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