Saturday, September 08, 2007


The past few days of on call have been exceptionally busy!

On Wednesday, the paediatric receiving ward was so full. Almost every15 minutes, my registrar's bleep kept going off. And nearly every 15 minutes, a new patient walked into the ward. I started at 9 9pm, both my registrar and me have seen about 20 new patients! Madness! I hate it when they all come in at one time. It makes everything confusing and the nurses become clumsy too.

On Thursday, it was busy too, but at least the patients arrival were well least 2 an hour or something. Then yesterday....oh my was awful! Again my senior's page did not stop bleeping. There was constant flow of patients into the ward...and so, by 10pm, we have seen about 26 patients, and there were 5 still waiting. Parents were getting restless and so were their sick child.

To make matters worse, the nurses in the general paeds ward were not trained to prepare intravenous drugs. So who has to do them? Me. at 10.30 pm yesterday, I was trying to work out how to prepare an aminophylline infusion for a boy with asthma. It wasn't difficult at all, but after having such a busy day, my eyes had became very blurry and brain was working slower. I had to read the instructions multiple times before finally understanding the method of preparing the drug.

I am really not looking forward to this weekend, as again, I am on call. Hope it won't be as bad as the past few days! I really have lost the will to live the past few days. Its off to work I go now.


runaway midget said...

it's such a struggle when the last straw has broken your back huh.

hang in there pink! you're made of material tougher than you think. ;)

sl said...


I will be ok once this whole on call thing is over!