Thursday, June 01, 2006

A Different Kind of Stress

There are so many types of STRESS in life:

--> study stress (will i pass or fail?)
--> work stress (so much to do, so little time...I can't meet the deadline)
--> family stress (why does mum/dad have to do this to me?)
--> relationship stress (does he/she love me?)
--> finding accomodation stress (I can't find a decent room to rent!! argh!!)
--> friend stress (why is she not talking to me? why does she have to lie to me?)
--> holiday stress (hmm...I hope I have booked everything correctly. Did I bring my passport?)

Everyone hates stress, I'm sure. I doubt that no one has not faced any stress before in their life, except, probably a newborn baby. I hate stress, I really do. Some stress are tolerable, some are not, and it will worry you for quite awhile.

I have highlighted many times that "Life is Tough." And it is true! Although I have finished my exams, now I am stressed out with other things, which may not be as critical as passing my finals. But these wee things are capable of making me quite stressed up as well.

For eg, I am going to work in Glasgow. I have not found an afforable room to rent yet. Everthing in Glasgow is double the price here in Dundee. (ok ok I know I should not complain since I was the one who decided to apply for jobs there anyway). And yeap, I am abit particular. I do not like sharing toilet with strangers. So I am looking for an ensuite room. There are not many rooms like this out in Glasgow. sigh. I have just about 1 month left to find a room and it is stressful! why? Coz I am not in Glasgow to hunt for rooms and I hardly know the area around there well enough. So it is difficult = STRESS.

Relationship is a very stressful thing as well. I love you, and you love me, we both get together and pak tow lo! Sounds easy eh? But heck, it isn't. Well, maybe for some of you it is as simple as ABC. I would not say that I am very experienced in relationships. But from what I have went through so far, I think it is very complicated. I have different ideas and opinions which my partner do not seem to be able to comprehend. Neither am I able to get his ideas and opinions. After endless arguements, we are still not able to come to a compromise. I respect his ideas, but by following his ideas, I am no longer ME. I want freedom to do what I want. (me is not a very sentimental person). I feel that I should achieve something first before settling down. If only, we could find a solution, something that we would need to compromise a little. This is just STRESSFUL.

These 2 examples are TWO different types of stress...which is so different from my exam stress about a week ago. When will I ever be stress free? (just wished I was a small girl again). I doubt I will, because, once I have resolved a particular stress, a new one will appear. I could forsee my new stress, which would be my working life!! is scary to be the person in charged of another person's life. Just yesterday, my friends and I were asked to react in an emergency situation. Saying and thinking about what we should do is simple, but really, carrying them out is a task! sigh. STRESS!


芋头 said... sound so stressed out is tough and full of hurdles, but it is full of hopes and colour as well..I'm sure everything will work out fine for you..keep a smile in your heart :)

Anonymous said...

let's count my stress :

Exams soons--> Stress!
Job applications ---> stress
Not enough time ---> stress
family ---> stress
relationship ---> non existence, hence stress? *LOL*
so much stresses ---> STRESS

*sigh* at least you're a doctor now..
and on HOLIDAYS!!
STOP complaining bout the excess free time!! *blah*

anyway, enjoy your time and good luck with accom at Glasgow! btw, whos going to be there with ya?

sl said...


Jade: dun worry, I am fine. =)

Ade: keke...welcome to the Stress club! I'm sure you'll manage alright. Yeah, I am trying to enjoy my holiday. Will be going to Milan/Venice in about 1 weeks time. But feeling abit stressed about it, having heard about the pickpockets.

Anonymous said...

i was stressed at that time when i went to rome and venice too.. but we were fine. we were told about the gypsies and stuffs.. and we had to LOOK for them.. they werent as many ard.. but yea, its still important to keep a real good eye on ur stuffs
keep money and passports close to your body.. get a pouch thingy or something!

have fun there!

sl said... mean the gypsies are the ones we need to look out for? sigh. looking foward to the holiday, but kinda scared la. =) What did you do in venice?

Anonymous said...

hhhmm.. wat did i do in venice..
its been so long, that i cant really remember..
I went on the gondola :D
I walked ard a lot..
Went into the glass blowing thingy there
Ate at McD there (at that time, they had burgers to represent like.30+ countries) *grin*
snapped heaps of pictures
Sat at the cafe, had freaking fantastic coffee and soak up the sun!

damn.. cant wait to get a holiday now!

Sorry, cant help much! cant seem to remember wat i did there specifically

sl said...

cool. sounds like what we are going to do as well. gondola is a must!! =)

will be coming back in july? guess not. oh well, u take care! will show u pics of my trip! bbye!

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