Tuesday, July 14, 2009

What is the point?

What is the point of being a consultant?

What is the point of having your own outpatient clinic?

What is the point of having a timetable created to your own needs?

What is the point in smiling but not listening?

What is the point in what is the point??

And more importantly, what is the point in even bothering?!
.........................uurrgghhh............I DON'T KNOW!!

I am so frustrated today. I don't understand how a consultant can be so slow in reviewing patients at the outpatient clinic. This consultant has a timetable created to suit his/her needs...but he/she has failed to follow it correctly!!!

I mean, how difficult is it to complete your ward round on monday, rather than postponing it to another day, in which you are busier?

There are at least 30 patients in the outpatient clinic awaiting review...and this consultant only saw 5 of them?!


arghh well. What is the point in even moaning as I can't change the situation? I just have to suck it up....that's what it is.

Thursday, July 09, 2009

26 days and counting

I can't believe there's less than 1 month before I move down!

All the chaos and stress in applying for a new job began about 6 months ago....and finally being told I have secured a new job down south a few months thereafter, seemed so long ago.

I am having mixed feelings about it all. I have to admit that I am slightly excited about the whole thing, you know, moving down to a new place, new environment, entering the English health board, and, living in a new flat on my own (for the first time!).

On the other hand, I don't like the feeling of leaving my current cosy flat and a few of my friends here in Glasgow. In fact, I feel extremely heavy-hearted to leave Glasgow itself! I can't believe I actually just said that. I recalled the first time I moved down here from Dundee, I felt so miserable....I didn't like the environment, didn't like the transportation system, didn't like the people....but that's all changed now.

As much as the weather is always wet, I think I would really miss it. There were Scottish bag pipers playing their tune while I was walking along Buchanan and Sauchiehall Street last weekend. And I thought to myself, "Man, I am going to miss this....the shopping is great, and where in England, would you hear the sound of bag pipes whilst shopping?"

I soon found out that the people here are friendly....and the transportation system is pretty reliable.

Anyhow, I think it is always difficult moving out from your comfort zone. I mean, why would someone leave a place that he or she is so comfortable with?

This will be a new challenge for me.
26 days and counting....