Saturday, March 28, 2009

Please Do Not Take Me for Granted!

I was talking about moving on to a new place for my next job...and also, how much I am looking forward to the change. I spoke about my housemate....who can be so irritating at times. I have decided that, if she doesn't care about how I feel, why should I? So I am going to b**tch about her now.

Honestly, I do not think I am being picky or difficult. Think the problem is with her.

First of all, she does her dishes probably 2 -3 times per week. I mean, ok, fair enough, you are busy (when she only works from 9-3 pm daily). But, leaving your dishes in the sink, with all the food stains still stuck on pretty unhygienic, don't you think? I am happy if you wanna use the pots and pans, but I am also living in the same house. And when I come back from work at 7 pm or later, I would like to prepare my dinner too. How am I going to do that if you have used them all up and not even bother cleaning them up?? I have washed them myself many times...but you know what, there is a limit to do that. I know she feels guilty sometimes about that, but she doesnt care less. If you were THAT busy, how could you be lying down on the couch from 6 pm to midnight, watching the telly? yeah...exactly.

Secondly, she has taken me for granted. Her notebook broke down TWO years ago after she spilled water onto the keyboard. I told her to get it repaired, but she only took it to her friend, who doesn't really know much about computers. Silly I thought. Anywho, she decided that she could use my notebook from time to time until she gets one. I caught her using it a few times, before even asking my permission. She must have felt awkward when I saw her in my room, clicking away at Bebo or Facebook.

I still remember what she told me, "Ling, do you mind if I use your computer to check my emails and stuff? I don't do that often...just once or twice a week....while I get myself a new computer?" I just said ok. TWO years down the road, she uses my computer everyday, she even uses it to bid for things on eBay, and other internet shopping.....and WORST of all, she has decided that the computer also belongs to her, and she has allowed her friends INTO MY ROOM and USE MY NOTEBOOK!!!

NOw now now now now......that is SO CROSSING the line. I mean, that is MY ROOM, and that is MY NOTEBOOK, who gives you the right to allow your friends to use my things?? I do not even know your friends...i know their names...and thats pretty much it.

I was so pissed off. I told her I was not happy about that. She just said "Ok." No apologies whatsoever. I thought that maybe I over reacted....but having spoke to my fellow colleagues at work, who are Caucasians as well, they agreed that my housemate has stepped on my tail.

I am not a calculative person at all. I gave her half the amount for the TV licence because she said she doesn't have much money. I hardly watch the telly because she hogs it from 6 pm to midnight, and also the weekend, watching soaps and DVDs....which is fine. I am not going to push her away just because I wanna watch a few of my interesting series. Now, she uses my internet connection and she uses my notebook DAILY....shouldn't she give me some money then?? Oh oh oh....did I forget to mention that she also uses my printer from time to time, without even asking me? How do I know, simply because she never puts things back in the same order!

URGGHH.... more recently, while she was using my notebook in my room, she felt her empty tea cup and an empty chocolate bar wrapper on my table. This is again, not the first time. She has left tissues on my bed and on the table in the past. She laughs away when I told her about it. She must have found it funny....I dont know.

She boils me up sometimes. I could go on and on about her annoying habits. I sure have some silly habits too, but I never take her for granted. She is, otherwise, ok to get along with. I have lived with her for 3 years, and I think I have tolerated her very well.....but I am losing the plot already. Oh, can't wait to get away from this flat...... although, I will surely miss the convenience and comfort of this cosy little flat.


Jacz said...

I can understand that some ppl are more comfortable than others at asking favours from friends... but for someone to keep doing that even when it's been told to her face that she's gone overboard is just blatantly disrespectful..

I feel for you, gal...poor thing.
Nvm, just grit your teeth for now.
A few more months and you'll 'be your own boss' again.


Colleen said...

my goodness... she is IRRITATING!