Friday, November 16, 2007

Tsk Tsk...The Alcoholic in Me.

Remember I said that I drank a whole jug of beer in Germany? here are the photos as promised.

Let's get the party started! My first ever 1 litre jug of beer.

Doing alright....managed to drink a quarter of the beer...The beer tasted really nice...strong with a slight hint of bitterness.

Here's when I can't hide. I've drank more than 3/4 of the ears are starting to turn really red. They were, in fact, burning!

Bottoms up!!

=) Finished my jug of beer. is a personal record!

By the end of the whole drinking session, I was really full. My bladder was going to explode because of the amount of fluid I've taken in. It was undoubtedly unhealthy binge drinking!! But hey, I was still sober. And the plus point was I managed to get a good deep sleep that night!


runaway midget said...



sl said...

*hee hee hee