Friday, October 20, 2006

Simply Gullible is not me! It was a female nurse in my ward. (Let's call her A).

There was a patient B in the ward who had a penile prosthesis inserted quite a long time ago. He was admitted for a different urological problem. Anyway, he probably was having some problem with his prosthesis and decided to ask A about it.

"Excuse me nurse, you know I have a penile prosthesis. I was wondering why my erections are not as long as it should be?"

"(A turns red) Errmm, I do not actually know, but I'll ask my colleagues and see if they can answer your question."

She told her fellow nurses about the question and everyone began to laugh at her. She did not go back to B to answer his question. As she was busy doing her other tasks, her colleagues decided to make fun of her. Let's name one of them G.

"Hey, remember you told us about the penile prosthesis problem? Well, the surgeon who performed the prostehsis insertion was just on the phone, and I have explained to him about that patient's problems. Apparently, there is a mistake in that batch of prosthesis. That is probably why his erections are shorter than normal."

"Huh, are you sure?"

"Yes....If you don't believe me, you can speak to the surgeon yourself. He also said that the length of the erection must be measured so that the default can be written down in a form, and this will be sent back to the manufacturer."

"Huh, I don't believe you. There is no way I am going to do that."

"Look, I am serious. You got to measure the length of the erections. As I said, the prothesis that was inserted into that patient has a manufacturing defect. We need to measure it so that we can let the manufacturer know how short it is."

"Right, why it has to be me?"

"Well, it is obvious isn't? You are the nurse looking after him."

"Right, fine. I'll do it."

A ruler was passed to her and she began to put on her gloves......


She caught some of the other nurses giggling. And then it only struck her that it was actually a joke! A is just simply gullible!!

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