Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Would You Like An Eye Opener?

It was 8.30 am in the morning. I was on-call overnight, and was just trying to get things ready for the morning ward round.

While looking up a patient's blood results, a heard a patient calling me.

"Doctor, doctor, can I go home?" said patient G.

I turned around to see who that was...and soon realised that patient G was admitted overnight with an impulsive overdose of his epilepsy medications. He was drowsy initially, but he had obviously improved.

"No, not yet. The consultant needs to review you first."

"Oh ok. Errm, can I get a bottle of vodka please?" asked Patient G.

" This is a hospital. You can't get vodka in here. Would you like a cup of tea instead?" I replied.

"No doctor, you don't understand. I need my vodka. I normally drink some first thing in the morning," added patient G.

It was very unprofessional of me to chuckle to myself after he went back to his bed. But, I found him really amusing, because he was really honest about needing an alcoholic fix.

This is a classic patient we normally see in the hospital. He clearly has an issue with alcohol dependence....and he would score a point with the CAGE questionaire, for needing "an eye opener" to steady his nerves in the morning. With the help of a nurse, we managed to sit him down, and offered him chlordiazepoxide instead. Unfortunately, it didn't work very well...and he started to pace up and down the ward. We had to give hime some benzoes to calm him down before the consultant finally discharged him home.

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