Monday, May 21, 2007

What A B****H

One of my patients was meant to attend his EMG on Friday 10 am at a different hospital. However, there was a problem with his transport on Friday. Apparently I was informed by the ambulance that it was booked for 2pm not 10 am. Miscommunication!!!!

Anyway, the patient's EMG was rescheduled today at 2pm. And I wrote in the notes, "Patient's EMG has been rearranged for Monday 2pm. Pls arrange transport for the patient to ensure he doesn't miss this appointment again. Thank you."

Here is my conversation with her:

Sister: This patient can't go for his EMG. I can't get transport for him.

Me: He has to go. Can't we even get a taxi for him?

Sister: We have to send a nurse escort with him...we cannae do that cause we are short of staff.

Me: Alright. Well, just try and see what you can get.

Sister: It is at 10 am right?

Me: is at 2pm...I wrote it clearly in the notes.

Sister: Ok.

Time now is 12pm.

Me: Sister, did you manage to arrange transport for him?

Sister: It is not our fault that he didn't go for his EMG on Friday.

Me: I never said it was your fault. There was miscommunication somewhere.

Sister: Fine.

...........silence. She didn't speak to me after that until she met me at the stairs when she was about to go home. Correct me if I am wrong, but did I even blame her for patient's missed appointment?

What a *toot!*

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