Friday, March 31, 2006

Why oh why??


I don't know what is wrong with me. But nowadays I seem to finish my work in the very very verrrryyyyy last minute...

I have the following to complete:-

1. A 10-page min Transplantation essay (was long due since early Feb...but the dr. was cool with the deadline...and gave us all a final deadline of 31/03/06)

2. TWO case discussions on 2 different themes - investigative procedures
- genetics
(BOTH due 31/03/06, but because I am doing a rotation out of Dundee, I get the priviledged of handing it on the following Mon...phew!!!)

3. A report for my theme SCC, paediatric cardiology which was due on 30/03/06.

Right. I know i know...u must be thinking I'm super lazy...especially the transplantation essay. Its not like I have a lot of time left to finish my work, the clock decided to go forward an hour last Sunday! So I only had 23 hours on that day...urgh!

I became more hardworking this week. Completed my TRansplantation essay and the Paeds Cardio. I'm almost done with my genetics case...and I have yet to start my investigative procedure essay...and I thought I could relax over the weekend and maybe visit a castle...bcoz Scotland is having some sort of promo, where entrance into all castles will be free!

hah..fat hope...haven't complete my work....why oh why am i so bloody lazy!!!!

aaaarrgggghhhh.....i need help....

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