Thursday, September 30, 2010

6 more days and counting!

The only thing that is keeping me through the crap at work is the thought that I'll be home in less than 7 days!

woo hoo!!

I really can't wait. I am really excited coz I haven't been home for the past 2 years. But at the same time, I am rather stressed with it too. Well, should I say that the stress is actually GOOD stress. I mean it is NOT like exam stress at all, which I must say is BAD stress.

Now you may ask why am I stressed out?

The stress is because I have not much time left for packing.....I dislike the fact that I am on-call this weekend. If only I were off, I could take the time to pack my stuff, and also maybe do abit of last minute shopping.

The other stress is having to prepare a speech for my good friend who is getting married in exactly 10 days. Don't get me wrong, I am extremely honoured to be asked to speak at her wedding reception.....but the only problem is I have never done this before. I have never been to a wedding reception before! So I really do not know where to start! Anyone has any good ideas? Or anyone has spoken at a wedding reception before???? Please share your ideas and experience with me.

I am thinking of starting it with a lil LOVE quote, and then, proceed to talking about what I think of my friend as a person, and how she met her hubby and managed to keep the relationship strong for the past for more than 5 years. is easy to think of what to say...but it is putting those thoughts into words I find difficult. I still haven't started to write anything yet....and time is running short!! help!!

Those stress aside, I am starting to count down to the moment I step into my flight back home to destination: KL.

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