Monday, April 13, 2009

Unhelpful Surgeons

Surgeons - All they are interested in is to cut your body open and fix things. If nothing can be fixed, then, it would be a medical problem. This really frustrates me.

Yesterday, a cardiac arrest call was put out. We were directed to the acute surgical admission ward, where, an elderly man was extremely breathless....his face was blue....his heart rate went up to 160 beats per minute. He was admitted for problems with per rectal bleeding. I wondered whether he may have developed a pulmonary embolism (a blood clot in his lungs), or became very short of breath because of anaemia.

At the scene, the surgical reg was standing....asking for an anesthetist....who eventually arrived after a few minutes. Having examined the patient, I told him my thoughts and actions. He said "ok." While I was busy asking the nurses to give me a few medications, I soon realised that suddenly, no one from the surgical team was there with the patient. I didn't think much about it initially. The patient settled down alittle, but was still not well. I tried to look around for the surgical reg...and I later found out that he has left to go to A&E! I was like, WHAT?!

He left me to sort his patient myself?! I mean, honestly, I can understand that you have a sick patient down in A&E, but you should not just leave without even informing me! That is very unthoughtful and down right rude. The problem was I do not know what his plans were for this elderly gentleman from his surgical side. It became difficult for me to make up a plan too. I was appalled by his behaviour.

I dunno about other docs. But I have honestly admit that I do find surgeons extremely difficult to work with. I mean I can understand that they would lack experience in managing medical problems...and I would struggle to manage surgical problems. However, more often than not, we, medical people, do not hesitate to say, "yes we will take over the patient's care." Unfortunately, this is not the same for the surgeons. For example, I have found patients with Ischaemic bowels who is not fit for surgery, being left in the medical wards....or patients with acute pancreatitis. They are just very unhelpful. Imagine, if we leave a patient with fast AF in their surgical wards...they will be screaming at us to take the patient over. Anyway, think I have ranted enough.

There are a minority of surgeons who are really good....but as I said, MINORITY.

1 comment:

Hospital Slave said...

Trust me...knowing the surgeons, the mentioned patient was most likely better with you looking after him than the clueless, blardy surgeons!!