Thursday, July 05, 2007

Sniffly Snuffly




*sniff *sniff *sniff

Woke up this morning with THE most painful sorethroat I have ever had. It was so painful to even swallow some water. But I did it anyway, to try to soothe the throat.

Not too long after that, this sore throat changed into a runny nose. I was sneezing all day, my eyes were very watery, my nose was super duper itchy. I was feeling cold, but was sweating at the same time. The day was AWFUL!

=( I came home and had a very warm shower. It did not relieve my nose. I had a hot bowl of soup, and that seemed to have cleared up my nose.....but not for long.


There goes my nose again. I'm going to sleep now...and maybe swallow an antihistamine to reduce the itchiness. My eyes are so watery...I could hardly keep them open. So good nite ppl.

1 comment:

runaway midget said...

aiyoh! sounds like hayfever lah. pollen bits and flower fart still around meh? oh yalah, it's summer time.

take prophylaxis antihistamines, 1 tablet OM X 1 month (till summer ends).

get well soon, eyes, nose and throat. :)