Friday, June 08, 2007

Fed Up

Yes. I am fed up.

I know I am at the very bottom of the pyramid....but that doesn't mean I can pushed about.

Senior: Now why are there 6 patients for me to see and no one around to discuss the case with me?

Me: That's why I am here. (duh!)

Me: This patient is query for a CABG.
Senior: I do not know if this patient needs a CABG. Why are you asking me?

Me: This patient is query for a pacemaker insertion.
Senior: I do not know if this patient needs a pacemaker. I DON'T KNOW. (and threw the notes on to the trolley).

Now, what is the point of being a cardiology SHO3 if you do not know a single thing! Look, I know you are very busy, cardiology is short of staff, you have sick patients, but you know, there is NO excuse for you to be rude to other people.

Me: I have managed to get IV access in this patient. He really needs his IV fluid + potassium because his potassium is very low.
Nurse: Oh right. Ok.

.........4 hours later, IVs were not up yet. But as she was about to do it......

N: Oh dear, I was just about to put his IVs up, but he pulled the venflon out.
Me: Right. (at the same time thinking to myself, it should be up a loong time ago)
N: Would you mind putting another one in?
Me: Right ok. (I do not have a choice do I? I know you are busy...but you still managed to get your 2 tea breaks for the day...and what I was doing? Sorting out the whole ward all day without any food!)

N: Dr, this patient is query a UTI. I have not been able to send off a urine sample for culture.
Me: Well, try your best to get a sample.
N: Do you want to start him on antibiotics?
Me: He is already on it.
N: No he isnt.
Me: Yes he is. Let me show you.
N: Ahhh right...I see it now.


1 comment:

Lara said...

Hope things get better, some days are just terrible but one day you'll be up there at the top of the ladder.