Saturday, March 10, 2007

Cheesy Chat Up Line

It was a Thursday night, as I walked home from the gym.

Out of nowhere, I heard: (orange - stranger, green - me)

"Excuse me....excuse me."

I chose to ignore it.

"Excuse me."

Right. So I turned and looked at a man in a black jacket.

He smiled and said, "Hi. Have I met you before?" (that phrase is such a cheesy chat up line)

"Err...nope. Don't think so."

"I'm sure I have. I've seen you in the gym before."

"Oh ok."

"I have quite a few chinese friends who go to Glasgow Uni."

"Oh ok. I don't go to Glasgow Uni."

"Oh ok. You look familiar to me. Do you go to the gym often?"

" not really."

"You just live around here, yeah?"


"Can I ask what's your name?"

I gave him a funny look and walked away.


Anonymous said...

You're too 'cute' mah... hahaha...
next time wear a mask greenpea... hmm... maybe paint your face green...
be green and mean like the hulk!

Anonymous said...

I reckon that he is not good looking eh... :P